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Visitors 350
Modified 4-Feb-25
Created 6-Aug-11
64 photos

Quintissential view of Haida Gwaii from SandspitHaida Black bearQueen Charlotte City harbor viewQC cityBald Eagle sentinels at Queen Charlotte City harborBeautiful beach at Alaska View Lodge!Flock of about 90 sandpiper "peeps" on this beach feeding during migrationSanderlingSemipalmated Plovermale Western Sandpiper on North Beachmale Western Sandpiper on north beachTow Hill bump on north shoreBlowhole up near Tow HillPigeon Guillemot, common near pilings and docksPigeon Guillemot on the runBlack TurnstoneBlack Turnstone in breeding plumageBlack Turnstone in flightTidepooling at north shore beachA lot of critters in this puddle

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