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Visitors 142
Modified 4-Feb-25
Created 31-May-18
108 photos

S.S. Universe Campus - home for 4 monthsAll Aboard! in L.A.Departure Day in L.A.Our cabin with 4 bunksfirst port o' call - HawaiiHawaii, the Palais, north shore Oahupounding the waves out in mid-Pacific enroute to Japanfantail jumping in the stern of the boat - swells and waves!wave pool!Japan, with my buddies Rick and KipTokyo McDonaldsJapan - block printer at workcouple feeding pigeons at Todaiji templeTodaiji Temple - Japanremoving shoes before entering templeJapan street scene, Yokohama or KyotoYokohama, JapanDeer Park - Nara, Japanselling baked potatoes to keep pockets and hands warm - JapanHong Kong Hilton

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