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Uploaded 14-Jul-11
Taken 14-Jul-11

15 of 58 photos
Photo Info

Dimensions3168 x 4272
Original file size9.64 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUnknown
Date taken14-Jul-11 12:23
Date modified14-Jul-11 13:13
Shooting Conditions

Camera makeCanon
Camera modelCanon EOS 50D
Focal length420 mm
Exposure1/500 at f/6.3
FlashNot fired, compulsory mode
Exposure bias0 EV
Exposure modeAuto
ISO speedISO 400
Chicks on ground a short distance from original nest scrape

Chicks on ground a short distance from original nest scrape

Parent had been with them but flew off a few metres
I didn't move any vegetation so it was a challenge to get a clear shot through the grasses.
I stayed no more than 3 -4 minutes each time.